5 Rules To Live By As a Songwriter

https://vimeo.com/822677355/359f89523b Watch the full keynote of Forest live in the 2023 Music Makers Bootcamp in Nashville, TN. Listen to Forest talk about his beginnings as a Songwriter/ Producer along with 5 valuable life lessons he learned in his 15 years living in Music City and much more. Enjoy! Download The PDF Guide Other cool posts […]
Tiffany Woys – What’s Mine Is Yours Podcast

If you are someone who wants to make a career in music I have something you really need to check out! A while back I sat down with Tiffany Woys for her Whats Mine Is Yours podcast. She asked some tough questions I have never been asked in an interview setting before… Why I no […]
Produce Pop/Country LIKE A PRO! Start To Finish

The Klon Chiron Overdrive Pedal is one of the most rare overdrives on the market.

The Klon Chiron Overdrive Pedal is one of the most rare overdrives on the market.
Drum Layers With Impact XT

So you want your drums to sit great in the mix every single time?
Who doesn’t?!
The Impact XT plugin in Studio One 5 makes it very easy to do this with a simple layering trick.
MUST HAVE STEEL PLUGIN for Pop/Country Producers!

When it comes to producing pop/country style tracks, having a few options for signature sounds is key to making an interesting production.
The pedal steel guitar is one of the most recognizable sounds in country music and has been for decades.
How To Mix Electric Guitar (Delay on Guitar Trick)

In this video I show you how to mix electric guitar and show you a cool delay trick!
The BEST drum VST on the market: Tony Royster Jr Kit by Mixwave!

Check out https://musiccityplaybook.com/ for more content!
In this video I show you my favorite drums out right now!
How to Produce Thinking Bout You by Dustin Lynch! (STEMS AVAILABLE)

In his video I’ll walk you through the basic production layers of a country song in Logic Pro.
Make sure to download the stems at the link above to practice your own production at home!
Follow me on insta @musiccityplaybook
#Dustinlynch #thinkingboutyou #musicproduction
How to start a track in Studio One 5!

Get the banjo sample by joining https://musiccityplaybook.com/
In this video I show you how to start a song from scratch in Studio One 5!
Join https://musiccityplaybook.com/
#musicproduction #tutorial #studioone5 #startasong